Q: What is Homeopathy?
A: Homeopathy treats illness by stimulating your body’s own natural healing powers. A Homeopath administers medicines according to the law of similars i.e. LET LIKES BE TREATED BY LIKES. Whatever a drug will cause in a healthy person, it will cure in an ill person. This cure law indicates that two very similar illnesses cannot coexist in a living organism at the same time. The Homeopath prescribes treatment for you as an individual as a whole and not simply for your complaint.
Q: How does it work?
A: It works by the cure law – law of similars. When you have symptoms of illness, the Homeopath will give you a remedy which would produce similar symptoms if taken when you were healthy. Here the remedy is given in minute quantities to trigger your body’s resistance which in turn acts against the disease force.
Q: What does Homeopathic treatment involve?
A: The Homeopath will want to know not only about your illness but also about you. How you are affected by environmental factors such as temperature and the weather, the kinds of food you eat or the food you avoid, your moods and feelings, and your medical history will all help to establish a complete picture of you as a person.
The Homeopath then relates the description of your current symptoms to all this background knowledge in order to prescribe the correct remedy. Choice of remedy is, therefore, based on you and your condition, not just on your symptoms.
Q: How should I take the remedy?
A: Unlike other systems of medicines, it doesn’t act through blood after digestion of drug materials. It acts through the nerves endings in the tongue. It reaches the brain and works it profile from a higher level.
So avoid eating anything 10 minutes before and after taking your medicine i.e. you should take medicine on a clean tongue. (Clean tongue does not mean you need to wash your mouth but simply that it should be devoid of any taste. For example – if you take coffee or tea, the taste will remain for 15-20 minutes. So, avoid taking medicines for that period of time.)
Q: How should I store the remedies?
A: Most medicines are fairly delicate and need to be treated quite carefully. Homeopathic remedies should be stored away from strong light, strong temperature variations and strong smells. All three can inactivate them. Also it should be stored out of reach of children.
Q: Who benefits from Homeopathy?
A: Homeopathy can be of benefit to people at any age, including the newborn. Pregnant women can also use most of the Homeopathic medications without risk to the foetus. Children respond particularly well to these remedies because their reactive powers are often stronger than those of adults.
Q: Can Homeopathy cure everything?
A: Each and every system has its own limitations and merits. This is applicable to Homeopathy also. All functional troubles can be cured. Irreversible or degenerative conditions, where structural damage is more marked, cannot be completely cured by Homeopathy. However, homeopathy can play an important role in such cases by providing physical as well as psychological support which will aid the body in defending itself against the disease and further degeneration.
Q: Should other treatments be stopped?
A: Not necessary. Homeopathic medicines can be safely taken along with Allopathic medicines in needful cases.
Q: Are Homeopathic medicines well-proven?
A: Homeopathic medicines are well-proven in healthy human beings (in Allopathy, drugs are proven in diseased individuals after being tested on animals) and also clinically proven on diseased individuals.
Q: Does Homeopathic treatment work quickly?
A: Homeopathic remedies work as quickly, if not faster than conventional medications in most acute ailments, whether they are infectious or non-infectious, due to their effectiveness. In chronic disorders, however, it is necessary to provide a person’s body with in-depth treatment to avoid relapse and the treatment can be stretched out over several weeks or months. The length of time a person has to be treated by Homeopathy for a chronic problem depends on the length of time he/she has suffered from the disorder, the nature of the disorder and the inherent reaction of each individual to the disease. The real advantage of Homeopathic medicine is that it works safely to heal the whole body.
Q: Are there any side-effects?
A: As per Newton’s universal law ‘every action has its own reaction’. Since Homeopathic medicines are administered in very minimal doses, you cannot notice any adverse reactions, if any.
Q: Are there any precautions to be taken?
A: It is better to avoid prolonged use of alcohol and strong stimulants (coffee, tea) while taking Homeopathic remedies. Otherwise it is better to avoid them at least half-an-hour before and after taking 
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The contents of this column are for informational purpose only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of healthcare professional for any health problem or medical condition.
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Best Homeopathy Treatment • We aim for Comfort First and Cure Next • You will be in safe hands experienced more than 25 years. • We can provide Best solution and Customized treatment plan for your sufferings. • You will be directly under the personal care of Chief Doctor and not with juniors. • As we had handled all sorts of cases in and abroad, we can guide you to choose effective treatment. • Further, if required to control the disease at the earliest and to be in safer side and in Incurable diseases, to improve quality of life, we can also advice you to integrate Homeopathy with Allopathy • Your treatment remains confidential with us by all means


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Disclaimer: Laxmi Homeo Clinic is intending to make the people all over the world healthier through the power of information. Our health information and technologies can make a healthier tomorrow and better healthcare outcomes.
The contents of this column are for informational purpose only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of healthcare professional for any health problem or medical condition.

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